Overcoming the fear of missing out..

F.O.M.O, the fear of missing out, refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. This deep sense of envy affects self-esteem and is often aroused by posts seen on social media websites.

This fear of missing out affects people’s lives differently. We live in this social media age where everyone’s lives just look perfect online and we try to portray the image that we are constantly living our best lives, which realistically, may not be the case. When you are motivated by this fear of missing out you find yourself in a comparison trap, constantly looking at what others are doing and not wanting to be left out. Some people end up trying to live a lifestyle that is not authentic or healthy for them financially and mentally. Instead of finding inspiration they may begin to envy, obsess and lose precious time scrolling through social media, leading them to feel low or depressed because they feel other people’s lives are better than theirs. Its easy to become sucked in this ruthless cycle.

Define your goals and be productive. In order to overcome this fear, its important to firstly define your goals and plans then start working towards them. By having a clear vision for your life, it becomes easier to notice when you start making choices that do not align with your goals. When you have your priorities in check you will find yourself not worrying about what others are doing as you will find satisfaction in knowing that you are not missing out or anything if you’re focusing on your big goals. By being productive, you will feel a sense of achievement in knowing that you are making steps in the right direction.

Create a budget. Its so important to create a budget and stick with it. Whenever you start feeling like you’re missing out and want to do the most, your budget will hold you back and remind you to calm the f down. Its always important to note that many people are living beyond their means in order showcase a certain lifestyle and others get paid to make it look like they are living that lifestyle. Creating a budget allows you to be real with yourself and makes you assess what’s important for you.

Reward yourself. Do something for yourself at least once a month. Make sure to put that down in your budget, because as much as we want to focus on our goals, it is also important to reward ourselves on the small steps we take. The point is not only to enjoy the destination but to make our journey fun and interesting. You could explore fun activities that do not require you to spend money and these can include exploring your city, visiting the art gallery or going for a picnic.

Spend time with friends and family. It’s important for you to have some quality company, not only is it refreshing but it will do wonders for your mental health. Making sure you spend time with friends or family at least once a month will give you some down time to laugh and talk without focusing on day to day stress or glued to your phone screen.

Take social media break. Occasionally taking a social media break gives you a chance to recharge, refocus and redefine your goals without being bombarded with ads, influencers and other people’s wins. After every social media break, you should always cleanse your pages by removing any accounts you follow that do not make you feel good or help you to align with your goals.

Remember no one shows off their loses on social media, be yourself and do whatever it takes to protect your mental health, you’re not missing out on anything if you’re working on your goals. So focus darhlings!

Love Nothando x